Saturday, December 18, 2010

Have you missed me?

Hi all, I have felt so out of the loop lately with the whole move and transitions happening in our life.  I finally have a few hours alone while the boys are off to see Tron so I decided to use the time to reconnect with my old life rather than continue tackling the mega-box-thon I've been dealing with since September.  We are here in our new apartment thousands of miles away from friends and family buried in boxes -
Son's bedroom when the mover's left
as you can see from the pictures.  It has been difficult assembling a 4 bedroom house into a 2 bedroom apartment but my first goal was getting my son's room together so he could occupy his time there while I tackled the rest of the apartment.   Unfortunately it's slow going.  My original plan was to have all the boxes in the area they were designated for (yes they were color coded with regions in the house - orange for master bedroom, blue for son's bedroom, pink for my studio, green for long term storage, etc) however on moving day we quickly discovered that all the boxes would not fit into the space so that plan was abandoned.  Blue and orange still made it up the2 flights of stairs to the bedrooms - for the most part but all the studio and kitchen items did not make it up the stairs to inhabit the living/dining/kitchen area as that was filled with furniture and boxes quickly.  So I have been slowly and gradually tackling each box in the area determining if we have room to have it in the house or if it needs to go to the garage or eventually to an off-site storage facility (that is if I can find a reasonable one out here - they are pricey compared to WA and CO).  With the holiday rapidly approaching I felt it most important to put up our Christmas decorations or I would completely feel void of the holiday spirit this year and that would not be good for the entire family.  Now that the tree is up I'm really itching to get started on the multiple orders I have pending.
This was early in the day after the first of 3 loads arrived.
Unfortunately the fabric, sewing supplies, etc are scattered all over.  Some boxes made it to the dining room but others are downstairs and I am not able to carry the heavy stuff upstairs - yes I'm having lots of pain in the back and neck with the change (so many stairs are not helping).  So my goal before Christmas is to find my sewing machine and begin the custom orders so I can get them mailed.  Naturally all that has to wait for Christmas shopping to be completed.  I hope family understands receiving gifts late this year - it's been that kind of year.  As for holiday letters and cards, I'm thinking those will go out in the New Year - I hope.  For now, I'm just glad to have a few hours of quiet solitude (and perhaps sewing machine searching) before the crazy boys return and life returns to chaos.  I wish for you all a wonderful holiday season with lots of quiet wonderfuls in the midst of chaotic life.

See you in the New Year! 

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