Monday, October 4, 2010

I'm still here....barely.

This past year has been extremely difficult for my family for a number of reasons.  We've had illnesses, injuries, and financial woes - much like many others have.  We have managed to stay on top of these difficulties and tried to work through them the best we could.  However, with the financial blow the injuries & surgeries have taken on our life this year, we had to search for an alternative that would get us back on our feet (or so we hope).  This means that my husband has taken a job out of state and we will be moving to Texas.  It has taken me several months to deal with the blow of this as it has been very difficult to think of leaving the love, stability, and comfort I have found here in the Seattle area.  My friends have been the strength that has held me together over the past year and continue to support me through this move.  I am ever so grateful! 

For the next few months I will be in the process of sorting and packing (as well as finishing our remodel) as I prepare our family for the move.  My husband is already in Texas and so it will be up to me but I won't be doing it alone, many friends have offered to help with this task  and I intend to take them up on this offer.  More laughs, more memories to treasure during the future days of missing them.

As far as my stores, they will stay open until we move.  I have one show coming up (I will have to bow out of another I was accepted into) which I will share information for shortly.  So life goes on. 

I'll share more about my future as the months come by and I intend to take some much needed time to revamp my websites and this blog.  Thanks for bearing with me this year - it's nice to be back. 

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