Thursday, February 19, 2009


I have been a member of Etsy since last November. Since that time, I have thoroughly enjoyed looking through all the shops and seeing all their great products. One of the easiest ways to see a variety of shops is by looking at Etsy Treasury lists. These are compiled listings created by Etsians all in a beautiful page. Each one is different and unique. The lists only open up when treasuries expire so you have to either have good luck, good timing, or have lots of time to spend waiting for the list to dwindle. Well, I have been trying since December of last year to "catch" one of these openings. I had several planned out in my mind but have not had luck in my favor. I seemed to alway get to the Treasury list at the highest list volume or right after an opening. Never right before. You can imagine my surprise yesterday as I was just hopping on Etsy to convo (converse through Etsy email) someone and saw that the numbers were going down. With N just coming in the room and Stephen out cold on pain killers (he had surgery earlier this week and is in bit of pain), I kept my eye on the numbers. Luck would have it, I got my first treasury! Yeah! Now all my ideas from before slipped out of mind but with the FAM birthday bash on my mind, N and I just went into action with FAM items. Here is the actual listing. I've changed it around a bit since first creating it (it took me soooooooooo long to figure out how to do it). I so wanted to add this but it just didn't look right with all the cupcakes. I'm pretty pleased with it and now that I have one under my belt, surely the next one will be easier to "catch".

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